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London Dungeon + Crime Tour Combo

**London Dungeon** Witness a different side of London on a thrilling trip to the London Dungeons. Meet Sweeney Todd and then enter the Torture Chamber where you will encounter the Torturer. It is famous for its recreation of various gory and macabre historical events in a gallows humour style. Guests will be guided through plague-ridden streets, witness Guy Fawkes’ dramatic plot to blow up Parliament, travel to Jack the Ripper’s Whitechapel and enjoy a drink in The Tavern. **Crime Tour** Hear the shocking tales of London’s murky past, sinful deeds and criminal masterminds by the bucketful as we dive into the world the bottom bothering madness of “Whipping Tom” and the rapid rise and fall of Jack “the lad” Sheppard. Recoil in horror at the conditions at one of the city’s most notorious prisons and be amazed that London still has a taste for the dastardly when you hear one of its most recent capers.
Price: 18.00
