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Rome and the Vatican

Ever been stupefied by mankind’s skills, talents and brilliance? Quench your thirst for art, architecture and beauty with a visit to the famed Vatican Museum, the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Bascillica. Explore the Colosseum, the famous amphitheater that seated between 50,000-80,000 spectators at a time to witness raging contests between gladiators and other public demonstrations. Delve into the ruins of the Roman Forum and the Pantheon that will leave you astounded by their architecture. Explore the Spanish steps and the Piazza Navano, an open space square. Enjoy the Palazzo Poli while gazing into the fountain of Trevi and throw in a coin that may just be the way your wish comes true. So don your comfortable clothes and shoes to embark on this mind-boggling tour.
Price: 87.12
